Changing our community for the better, one woman and one dollar at a time!

100 Women Who Care Kamloops

Does any of my donation go to administration costs?

Yes, as only registered not-for-profit and charitable organizations will be sponsored by the group.  Cheques are written directly to the sponsored organization and NOT to 100 Women Who Care Kamloops.  Tax receipts will be issued directly by the charitable organization.

You will be greeted by a volunteer and asked to sign-in and drop off your $100 cheque at the registration desk.  We like to keep track of our member's attendance as you enter so that we can reconcile donations more quickly at the end of the evening.  Then you are free to mingle with your fellow members.  A volunteer will walk around taking a few photos.  The meeting will begin promptly at 5:30 pm and will conclude at 6:30 pm.

We hope that some of you will be able to take the time to enjoy dinner with us at the conclusion of the meeting.  This would be an opportunity for additional networking as well as supporting the hotel as we would not be able to hold our meetings without their generous support!

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, you can bring a friend with you to a meeting if they would like to see what we are about before committing to membership.  They will not be entitled to vote, nor will they be required to provide a $100 cheque to the chosen charity.  I'm sure that after witnessing the excitement of giving back, your friend will want to register before leaving the meeting. That is possible as there will be forms available at the registration desk.  

Because the goal of 100 Women Who Care Kamloops is to make a $10,000 donation on behalf of the entire group, cheques or cash must be provided at the meeting.  The power of joining forces provides for greater impact in the community.  We also need to be able to track your donations so you receive credit for the donation and remain eligible for submitting charities and voting at the meetings.

All nominated charities are vetted by the founders to ensure that they meet the nomination criteria.  All of the charities are then placed into a hat or jar and three are chosen at random one week prior to the meeting.  Those three organizations are contacted and asked to give a short five minute presentation at the meeting as to why their organization should receive the donation.

Absolutely not!  100 Women Who Care Kamloops is organized and operated entirely by volunteers.  100% of the money raised at the meetings goes directly to the chosen organization.  Hotel 540 has very generously donated our meeting space and, hopefully, our members will show their support by patronizing their business.  They have been wonderful to us!

How are the organizations that are selected for possible donation chosen?

What can I expect at a meeting?

Charities must be nominated by a member in good standing in order to be considered for donation.  We invite organizations to "like" us on Facebook.  Here organizations can educate our members and those who follow us about their projects.  Many members are looking for a charitable cause to nominate and find information within our social media discussions and posts. 

How do I nominate a charity?

​We ask that you email your regrets to and indicate how and when we will receive your donation.  It would be appreciated if we could receive it prior to the meeting if possible.  We can only count the votes of members who are present at the meeting.

Can I bring a friend to the meeting?

​Our preferred method of payment is by cheque or cash.  However, if you are unable to attend the meeting, you can send your donation by EFT to or drop it off to Shannon at City Hall.  Please ensure that you include your name and which meeting your donation is for.

The Charity or Non-Profit Organization Submission Form is the ONLY way to nominate a charity.  Since you need to be a member to nominate a charity for donation, the form is not available online.  However, it is sent to members in good standing upon request.  If you have a charity in mind and have not received a form, or it is longer than six weeks prior to the next meeting, please contact us at and we will send it to you.

Can I cancel my membership?

Click here to register.

​​​​​OVER $340,000 raised and climbing!

How do charities and grassroots non-profit organiations get involved?

What charitable organizations are eligible for consideration?

What method of payment do you accept?

What do you do with my personal information?

We require your personal information (name, address, phone number, and email) for the purposes of maintaining the membership list.  100 Women Who Care Kamloops will not sell, give, or otherwise share your personal information without your express consent, unless required by law.  We do, from time to time, recognize our members via social media and other venues.  If a member wishes to remain anonymous, they must let us know at the time of registering.

The website and Facebook will have the most up-to-date information at all times.  New members will receive a confirmation email within a week of joining.  If you have not received it, please contact us.  We will send group emails to members with information like venue directions, updates on chosen charities, etc.  To ensure that you receive our updates on a timely basis, please add to your address book.  We will make every effort to reach you, but sometimes your security setting prohibits us from getting things to you.  If you change your email address, please let us know.

Can I send the donation to the charity myself?

Why would you want to?  Just kidding.  We ask our members to be committed to one full year of membership (annual donation of $400).  However, we understand that individual circumstances change, so if you wish to discontinue your membership, send an email to indicating your withdrawal.  

How does 100 Women Who Care communicate with members?

What if I cannot attend a meeting?

Charities MUST be located within the Thompson Nicola Regional District.  They must be a registered not-for-profit or charitable organization that is eligible to issue tax receipts, or have the ability to partner with a charitable organization that can write the tax receipts on their behalf.  Charities must have been established for at least one year (no start-ups).