• ​If you have completed the registration form and are up-to-date with our donation commitment (member in good standing), you can nominate a local charity of your choice.
  • Three nominated charities are randomly selected by the founders about three weeks prior to the meeting.
  • Upon arrival at the meeting, members check-in at the registration desk and provide their $100 donation (cheque or cash). 
  • Members are invited to network for the first 30 minutes.
  • The meeting begins promptly at 5:30 pm.
  • Each of the charities is given five minutes to make a presentation (no powerpoint or handouts) to our members outlining how they plan to use the donation if they are the chosen recipient.
  • Every member votes by secret ballot for one of the three presenting organizations.  
  • The charity with the most votes is the recipient of that evening's donation.  Of course, this means that the more members we have, the more money we will receive and the greater our impact will be.  All's fair when it comes to giving back, so even if you didn't vote for the chosen charity, you have agreed to donate to them regardless.
  • Members will receive their tax receipts directly from the recipient organizations.
  •  In order to be considered for a possible donation, organizations MUST be based in the TNRD region, be established for at least one year, and be a registered non-profit charity.
  •  All money provided to our charities must stay, and be for projects in, the TNRD region. 
  • Any organization that is nominated, but not the successful recipient, stays in the nomination pool until they are selected for a donation.  Once selected for a donation, that organization is ineligible to be considered again for a three-year period.
  • If there is a tie vote, the membership will vote again.  If there is still a tie after the second round of voting, we will either randomly select the charity out of a hat OR divide the donation evenly between the tied organizations.
  • Your privacy is important to us.  As such, our selected organizations promise not to give out your information to any third parties or solicit more donations from you.  They should only contact you for tax purposes related to this one donation.  If you find that this is not the case, please let us know right away so that we can rectify the situation.​​​​
  • While we are counting ballots, the recipient from the previous meeting gives a five-minute update on their organization and how the donation was used.​

As a new member, there are some important things you should know before your first meeting.

mission & vision

No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. 

meeting timeline

  • Check In.  Members check in and provide their $100 donation cheque at the front desk.
  • ​​30-minute networking session before the meeting begins.  There is a cash bar and it is an opportunity to meet your fellow members.  A volunteer will greet you at the reception desk.  Come for as long or as little of the networking session as you would like.  Networking and registration start promptly at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins promptly at 5:30 pm.
  • Welcome to our members and announcement of presenters.  We will share any housekeeping details at this time.  Then the big reveal!  The three charities are shared with the membership, all of which have been nominated by a member and randomly selected from a hat, and vetted to ensure they meet the nomination criteria.
  • The membership hears from the three organizations.  A presenter from each charity has 5 minutes only to share with the group what they would do with the donation if they were chosen.
  • Voting.  ​After hearing the three presentations, each member votes by secret ballot who they would like the recipient of our donation to be.  Volunteers collect the ballots and whisk them away for counting.
  • Charity Update.  ​While the votes are being tallied, the group hears an update from the last organization who received a donation from us.  They update us on how our support has impacted their organization and the progress of the programming the funds were earmarked for.  You may want to have some kleenex on hand as we have been known to have leaking eyes.
  • Selected Charity Announcement.  Everyone waits for anticipation as the chosen charity is revealed.​
  • Completion of Cheques.  Front desk volunteers assist in filling in the name of the organization on all of the donation cheques and the founders present them to the chosen charity.
  • Meeting Wrap Up.  ​All nominated charities are congratulated, a group photo with the recipient organization is taken, and members are reminded of when and where the next meeting will take place.

small commitment big impact


new member information

be a giver
I aspire to be a giver.
A giver of love, a giver of good vibes, and a giver of

Changing our community for the better, one woman and one dollar at a time!

To keep everything running smoothly, we need to have some guidelines in which to follow.  These ensure that our members know what's going on, our charities get their donation in a timely manner, and everyone goes home feeling happy and content!

​Know that every region customizes the 100 Women Who Care model to suit their needs, we chose the following for Kamloops because it suits our membership.

  • ​Guests and welcome and encouraged! Invite a guest to join you at the next meeting to see what we are about before committing to membership. Guests are not entitled to vote, nor will they be required to provide a $100 donation to the chosen charity.  However, if they would like to vote, they can register and provide their donation any time prior to the voting taking place.  
  • ​​We always welcome new members, so if you have a friend who would like to join, they can register online before the meeting or even at the meeting itself. 
  •  100% of the funds go to the chosen charity.  There are no administrative or membership fees.  We all believe in the importance of giving back.
  • We take your privacy very seriously.  Our selected charities have agreed not to share or store your contact information in accordance with the Protection of Privacy Act.  ​If you are contacted by a charity after the meeting, other than to receive your tax receipt, please let us know immediately.
  • Now that you are a member of 100 Women Who Care Kamloops, be sure to follow us on Facebook.  We share updates, charities post updates about upcoming events, and you can connect with your fellow members.
  • Check into our website for updated information on upcoming meetings and other important information!

100 Women Who Care Kamloops

Click here to register.

​​​​​OVER $340,000 raised and climbing!

how 100 women who care works