The Community Led Learning Program, a School District #73 initiative, and Kamloops Reach also presented to our members.  Although these great charities were not chosen this month, it is fantastic to know that they will go right back into our hat right away for the possibility of being chosen to present again at our next meeting.

Thompson Rivers University School of Nursing for their new Nursing and Population Health building.  Click on the links to learn more about these fantastic organizations and the services they provide for our community.

Our inaugural meeting was an overwhelming success.  After hearing from three very deserving non-profit organizations, we were very happy to announce that the Family Tree Family Resource Centre took home our first donation!  The Family Tree Centre provides support programs for parents and children that are designed to strengthen families and empower them to overcome challenges.  Following the meeting, other wonderful caring women came forward to say they were so excited by what they heard we were doing that they would like to register and provided a cheque for Nov. 3rd's meeting.

To learn more about the charities that presented to our group and the wonderful work that they do to make our community a better place to live, click on the links to the right.

Total raised $8,200

November 7, 2016

​by removing financial barriers that often prevent some families from being able to have their children participate in sports in our community. 

To learn more about these three non-profit organizations, click on the links above.

We were thrilled to be able to have another meeting during this challenging year, and were especially thrilled to be able to offer a Zoom option for those who were unable to attend the meeting in person.  The In-Person/Zoom meeting went extremely well, and it is very likely that this format will remain in place for the forseeable future. 

Huge Congratulations to the Kamloops Music Collectivefor being chosen as this month's recipient of our donation. The Kamloops Music Collective provides music, lessons, and instruments to youth in our community regardless of their economic situation.  To learn more about this fantastic organization and the programs they offer, click on the link above.

Other presenters were The Chris Rose Centre for Autism and the

BC Wildlife  Park.  Learn more by clicking on the respective links.

Thanks to all of our members who participated in the meeting in-person and via zoom.  We are so grateful for all of our members who continue supporting 100 Women Who Care Kamloops in order that we can continue to help our community.  Many non-profits are suffering after over two years of pandemic challenges and need our help more than ever.

Total raised $7,400

Total raised $8,100

Total raised $7,800

With Covid-19 still amongst us and social gathering restrictions still a part of everyday life, our meeting was held virtually via Zoom.  Thank goodness for technology that enables organizations such as ours to continue to meet!

After three fantastic presentations, we were so happy to be able to announce Angels Animal Rescue in Merritt, BC as the recipient of our February 2021 donation.  This is the second time that this organization has received funding from us; the first time being on November 2, 2015.

​We also heard from two other fantastic organizations -- the Kamloops Community Response Network and Refugees and Friends Together (RAFT).  It is so interesting to learn about the different organizations amongst us and the impact that they are all having on the lives of people who live and work in our community.

Evan Mutrie was the recipient of our February donation and received about $8,700 from what was collected at the meeting and afterward from members who were unable to attend.  You can read about Evan's story here.  We were so pleased to be able to provide Evan and his family with funding which will assist him in his daily challenges.

Total raised $8,700

The Kamloops & District SPCA was the recipient of May's donation.  Our donation will help build the new community animal centre and we are very proud that our donation will help fund kennels in that new facility.

Other presenters were the Canadian Mental Health Association 
(CMHA) and Habitat for Humanity. 

Total raised $8,700

Total raised at the meeting = $8,100

November 22, 2021

Total raised at the meeting = $9,300

Total raised at the meeting = $7,400

August 29, 2016

It's always so difficult to choose only one charity at our meetings as they are all so deserving.  Learn about the other two organizations that also made presentations to our members in February.

Kamloops Hospice Association ​enhances quality of life for individuals facing the end of their life and bereavement for their families.  The Marjorie Willoughby  Snowden Home provides specialized end of life care to ensure that the people living there have all of their physical and emotional needs met.

RAFT​ (Refugees and Friends Together) helps support refugees and facilitates their successful adjustment to Canadian society and moving towards independence.

Total raised $9,600

Total raised at the meeting = $6,800

The Rapid Access Breast Cancer Clinic at Royal Inland Hospital was the recipient of our August 2016 donation.  About 135 women in the Thompson-Nicola Region are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.  Currently, it takes between 3-12 weeks for a breast cancer diagnosis.  This wait is an emotionally-charged time for women and their families. The new clinic will fast-track the screening and results which will enable women to be treated sooner and allow for the best outcome possible for those patients.

Total raised $6,900

100 Women Who Care Kamloops

Congratulations to the Power Start Program for being chosen as the recipient of our first donation of 2019.  Power Start is one of many programs for children run by the Boys & Girls Club.  This is a free program that provides transportation, a nutritious breakfast, a recess snack, and school day preparation to children who experience challenges with food sustainability and getting to school on time.  Currently, five elementary schools are taking part in this fabulous program.

We were also pleased to hear from two other terrific organizations in our community, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and the Salvation Army.  Click on the links to learn more about these groups and the benefits they provide in our community.

Total raised at the meeting = $7,600

Total raised at the meeting = $7,600

After a bit of a break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are thrilled to be back and doing what we love to do -- giving back to our community.  This year has been an especially challenging year for everyone and many non-profits are struggling to stay afloat.  So, with the fabulous assistance of the Delta Hotel (our sponsor) to ensure that our meetings can run safely with Covid protocols in place, we are very fortunate to have only had to cancel one meeting this year.

We were thrilled to provide funding to A Way Home Kamloops to help to sponsor a staff member to assist youth aging out of Foster Care.  To learn more about what this team stands for and how they support the vulnerable youth in our community, check out their website at the link above.

​Other presenters were Kamloops Hospice and the Salvation Army.  As always, the decision of which charity our membership will support each meeting is never easy.

Total raised $7,800

Total raised $7,000

100 Women Who Care was very pleased to provide The Out of the Cold Program this month's donation as winter will be here before you know it.  This program is a cold weather shelter run by St. Paul's Cathedral in downtown Kamloops.  The Shelter provides warm clothes, meals and beds for people who have nowhere else to go during extreme temperature drops.

Total raised $8,900

September 14, 2020

We had another terrific meeting with three very deserving charities presenting. It was not an easy decision! Congratulations to the Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association on being chosen as the recipient of this month’s donation, and taking home $6,000.

Click below to learn more about the other two fantastic organizations that were featured at our meeting.

Total raised at the meeting = $8,100

Click on the following links to learn about the other two fantastic organizations we heard from at our November meeting.

The Kamloops Brain Injury Association (KBIA) serves those with acquired brain injuries, their families, and caregivers by offering programs and education. They also facilitate awareness regarding brain injury and offer prevention and safety workshops and seminars to the community. 

​​The Kamloops Food Bank ​has an amazing group of volunteers who look after distributing perishable and non-perishable food to hungry Kamloopsians each year.  So far in 2016, the Food Bank has served over 5,000 clients.

Total raised at the meeting = $7,800

The Y Women's Shelter was awarded our last donation for the 2019 year.  The shelter provides a safe refuge for women and children when leaving violence.  Our funding will be used to increase the number of counselling hours that the shelter is able to provide for children and youth.

We also heard from the Auxillary to Overlander Extended Care and Refugees and Friends Together (RAFT).  You can learn more about these great non-profit organizations by clicking on the links.

February 1, 2016

​You can learn more about all the great things that these organizations do for our community by clicking on the links to their websites.

​​​​​OVER $340,000 raised and climbing!

May 10, 2021

August 25, 2015

Tonight we heard from three wonderful charities -- Day One Society, Elizabeth Fry Society, and Kamloops Hospice.

Congratulations to the Day One Society for being chosen as this month's recipient.  This wonderful organization brings hope, healing and support to youth and adults facing issues and challenges with substance use.

May 1, 2023

The CMHA presentation focused on the Ride Don't Hide community bike ride

event that is taking place in Kamloops on June 24, 2018.  The event focuses on raising awareness and breaking the stigma of mental illness.  Register for the ride on their website at the link above.  Habitat for Humanity has provided shelter for 10 families since the year 2000.  They believe strongly that everyone deserves a safe and decent place to live.  

It was great to hear from Jillian and Sam from ASK Wellness about how much February's donation benefited

the SHOP program.  We also heard Sam's personal story and the obstacles she overcame.  It's so heartwarming to

see Sam doing so well.  Thanks for sharing your story!

Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge (Village of Chase) - Rob Miller and Shirley Mainprize have been rescuing donkeys for over 15 years and now have over 100 donkeys that they provide a loving, healthy, and stable home for.  Donkeys have a lifespan longer than most equines and, therefore, are often abused, neglected, or forgotten by their owners.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters enriches the lives of youth by delivering and advocating a high quality volunteer-based mentoring program.

November 6, 2023

Total raised $9,100

Total raised at the meeting = $8,300

What a great meeting we had!  Thanks to all of our members who participated in the meeting in-person and via zoom.  Our membership continues to grow we are always seeking to grow our membership.  The more members we have, the more that we are able to donate to one of the amazing charities in our region.  With increasing inflation that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, charities need our help now more than ever! We are so grateful for all of our members who continue supporting 100 Women Who Care Kamloops in order that we can continue to help our community. 

The Gaby Davis Foundation and Western Canada Theatre also made presentations to our membership.  Click on the links to learn more about these fantastic organizations in our community.

February 7, 2022

November 4, 2019

We were very pleased to present the Kamloops Community Response Network with the May 2016 donation.  This organization brings together individuals and community agencies to bring awareness and prevent the abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults. 

Our members also welcomed fantastic presentations from the following organizations.  

Total raised at the meeting = $8,200

February 2, 2015

Kamloops Sunrays Synchronized Swim Club offers strength, flexibility, agility, endurance, teamwork, and creativity -- all in a fun, but demanding atmosphere. 

Volunteer Kamloops is committed to the concept that volunteering provides quality of life in the community.  They promote, recruit, educate, and provide orientation and referral services for volunteers and organizations in Kamloops and the surrounding area.​

With our November 2021 meeting, we have now started our 8th year as a chapter of 100 Women Who Care.  We are so grateful for the support of so many women in our community as well as our sponsor, The Delta Marriott Hotel.

We were fortunate to hear from three wonderful organizations, The Canadian Mental Health Association, Kamloops Reach, and the Kamloops Special Olympics.

Huge congratulations to Kamloops Reach for being the recipient of our final donation of 2021.  You can learn more about this wonderful and caring organization and all the great things they do for our community by clicking on the link above.

We would like to extend huge congratulations to the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society for being chosen as this month's recipient for our donation.

Total raised $7,500

In November, we were so pleased to help People in Motion with over $8000. Our donation will help support people in our community living with disabilities and create a community that is more inclusive and accessible for everyone. To learn more about this fantastic organization and what they do for our community, click on the link above.

Other presenters at our meeting included The Kamloops This Week Christmas Cheer Fund and the Mustard Seed.  Thanks for presenting to our members.  

Total raised $10,600

Literacy in Kamloops (LinK) was the recipient of our first donation for 2016.  LinK began in 2006 and works together with community partners to increase literacy levels for children, youth, and adults in our community.  They are a very valuable asset in our community and we are so very fortunate to have them.  To learn more about their programs, click on the link above.

Lii Michif Otipemisiwak supports Metis families to ensure they have

opportunities and access to services and resources by promoting cultural

identity, education, and programs which are relevant to the Metis community.

Kamloops Shoebox Project collects and distributes gifts during the holidays in the form of shoeboxes to women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Tonight's recipient of our $7,800 donation is The Tree (Kamloops Family Resources Society).

The vision of this wonderful organization is women's recovery and belonging.  The program works with women and their families to provide healing, connections, and support that they may require.

​Click on the link to learn more about this great organization.

May 7, 2018

We were very pleased to provide the JUMP (Jubilee Urban Movement and Partners) program with our November donation.  JUMP is a volunteer not for profit organization that operates a Drop-In Centre which provides free Saturday community meals and produce markets, and urban community gardens.  Since its inception in 2012,  JUMP has served 250 home cooked meals for 25,000 people.

Total raised at the meeting = $7,800

February 4, 2020

Total raised $10,800

What an inspiring meeting!  Thanks to all of our members who participated in the meeting in-person and via zoom.  And a special welcome to our 7 new members who joined us since our last meeting.  

The three amazing local organizations that were provided with the opportunity to present to us, this month were The Kamloops Brain Injury Association, the Kamloops Cancer Supportive Care Society, and the Kamloops Food Bank.  

The Kamloops Brain Injury Association was chosen as the recipient of our donation.

November 3, 2014

May 6, 2024

October 29, 2018

August 28, 2023

May 27, 2019

Total raised $7,700

November 2, 2015

September 12, 2022

​You can learn more about all the great things that these organizations do for our community by clicking on the links to their websites.

Total raised at the meeting = $7,900

Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism provides services and supports for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

​​People In Motion provides services and supports for individuals with disabilities. They also work hard on building awareness of the challenges that people with disabilities face, thereby promoting a more accepting community.

​​Interior Community Services (ICS) - Youth Street Outreach Program was the recipient of this month's donation from 100 Women Who Care Kamloops.  The ICS enriches lives by providing integrated family support, life skills development, and safe and nurturing home environments which enables individuals and families to reach their full potential in the community.   

We also heard from two other equally deserving charities!  Learn more by visiting their websites.

It's always such a difficult decision to choose only one charity as they are all so deserving. Congratulations to Interior Community Services, Mount Paul Food Centre, the recipient of this month's donation of $6,600. 

The Mount Paul Food Centre is a welcoming space that focuses on food security programming.  The goals are to promote food access, food skills and education.

Other presenters were the MS Society and St. John Ambulance.  You can learn more about these great organizations by clicking on the links.

When the votes were being tallied, it was great to hear about the progress being made on the new facility for the Kamloops & District SPCA, who was the recipient from our May 2018 meeting.

May 4, 2015

​Congratulations to the Big Bear Child and Youth Advocacy Centre for being chosen as this month's recipient.​  Click on the links above to learn more about any of these organizations and what they do for our community.

August 27, 2018

Click here to register.

February 22, 2021

​​What a great start to our 2024 year of giving!

Tonight's presentations were the BC Interior Community Foundation, KidSport Kamloops, and LinK (Literacy in Kamloops).  There are so many worthwhile causes in our community and we love to learn about their initiatives each year and how we may be able to support them.

​Congratulations to KidSport Kamloops on being selected as our recipient this month.  KidSport supports families in our community 

Total raised at the meeting = $6,800

September 22, 2021

The Out of the Cold Program is a cold weather shelter run by St. Paul's Cathedral in downtown Kamloops.  The Shelter provides warm clothes, meals and beds for people who have nowhere else to go during extreme temperature drops.

The BC Interior Community Foundation is dedicated to improving lives in the Thompson, Nicola, and South Cariboo regions.  Click on the red link to learn more about this organization.

Total raised at the meeting = $7,000

Total raised at the meeting = $7,800. 

Changing our community for the better, one woman and one dollar at a time!

Total raised $7,500

After three very worthy and excellent presentations and a very close vote, we are thrilled to announce that the Kamloops Sexual Assault Centre was the recipient of our February 2015 donation.  The Sexual Assault Centre is a non-profit organization that was established in 1982 to provide counselling and support to victims of sexualized abuse and violence

February 4, 2019

Total raised at the meeting = $8,100

Congratulations to Pit Stop for being chosen as the recipient for our May 2019 donation.  Pit Stop is a wonderful program run out of the Kamloops United Church that has been providing a hot and nutritious meal every Sunday afternoon to youth, seniors, adults, and families -- many of whom are marginalized members of our community.

We also heard from The Kamloops Arts Council Crossing Bridges Outreach and Interior Community Services - Mount Paul Food Centre.  Click on the links to learn more about these fantastic organizations and the services they provide for our community.

May 2, 2022

August 26, 2019

Blue House was the recipient of our August 2019 donation.  The Blue House is a 7-bedroom alcohol and drug recovery home for men who are looking for abstinence-based housing.  This program provides a  safe and stable environment where residents can focus on building a new way of living.

We also heard from the Kamloops Special Olympics and the

Our members chose the Sim'ya Ukrainian Association as the charity to receive this month's donation.  Kamloops is expecting to host many Ukrainian families as they flee from the war in their homeland.  We are so happy to be able to help the Ukrainian Society feed these families when they arrive.

Total raised at the meeting = $7,700.  

February 5, 2018

November 6, 2017

November 28, 2022

Our first meeting of 2022 has us hearing from three amazing local charities -- The BC Wildlife Park, The United Way, and the

Y Women's Shelter.

All three organizations told our members about their organizations and what their plans would be for our donation if they were to be chosen as the recipient for February, 2022.

The United Way - Thompson Nicola Cariboo, was selected as this month's recipient.  Click on the link to learn about all the ways they help those in need and make our community better.

May 2, 2016

Total raised $7,200

February 5, 2024

May 1, 2017

November 15, 2020

As we start our 10th year, we are so appreciative and thankful to all of our members, past and present.  We couldn't do this without all of their continued support!

Tonight's presentations were the BCSPCA, Kamloops Search and Rescue, and the Big Bear Child and Youth Advocacy Centre.  It is always so great to hear from the many non-profits in the Thompson Nicola Regional District and learn about all of the great work that they do to support those who live and work here.

Angels Animal Rescue (Merritt) was the recipient of the November donation.  This is the first organization within the Thompson Nicola Regional District, yet outside of the City of Kamloops, to receive a donation from 100 Women Who Care Kamloops.  Angels Animal Rescue Society is a caring facility that provides a safe place for abused, abandoned and neglected animals. 

We also heard from the Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge and Big Brothers & Sisters.  Learn more about those organizations below.

February 27, 2023

We also heard presentations from two other fantastic organizations and the wonderful work that they do to make our community a better place to live.

Emerald House is an emergency shelter that provides short-term accommodation for women and children who are homeless.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters enriches the lives of youth by delivering and advocating a high quality volunteer-based mentoring program.

With the world starting to open up after the Covid pandemic, it was great to see so many people attend our meeting in person and via Zoom.  We heard from three wonderful groups -  Interior Community Services, The Mustard Seed, and the Sim'ya Ukrainian Society.

All three organizations have some really worthy projects they are embarking on and it was so great to hear of all the wonderful plans they have and the benefit they bring to our community.

August 28, 2017

Crossing Bridges Outreach Program was started by the Kamloops Arts Council in 2013 and provides arts workshops to children, youth, and adults in our community who need it the most.​

Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society offers programs and services in the area of housing and community justice, with a focus on women and youth.​

My Place, a division of the Elizabeth Fry Society, was the recipient of this month's donation of $6,800.  My Place is a drop-in centre that focuses on life skills training.  The centre acts as a hub for clients to access information, receive referrals for community services, obtain free bus tickets, and perhaps even have something to eat. 

KidSport Kamloops took home this month's donation, and it wasn't an easy decision for our members as all of the charities are so deserving.  KidSport assists children and families by removing financial barriers that would prohibit a child from playing their chosen sport.   All funds raised are spent locally and distributed to children to cover registration and/or equipment fees.  To learn more about KidSport, click on the link above.

Three wonderful charities made presentations to our members.  First Steps Early Pregnancy Triage Clinic, BGC Kamloops (formerly known as the Boys and Girls Club), and Kamloops Community Response Network. The presentations were fantastic, making it a difficult choice for our members to choose our May recipient.

Congratulations to the First Steps Early Pregnancy Triage Clinic for being chosen as the recipient of this month’s donation.  Click on the above links to learn more about these wonderful organizations in our community.

Total raised $9,900

Total raised at the meeting = $6,900

February 7, 2017

We are so pleased that The Blue House Recovery, Kamloops' only men's recovery house, was chosen as the recipient of this month's donation.  This is the second time that this fantastic organization has been selected.  To learn more about The Blue House and what they do, click on the link above.

Total raised $10,000

Our meeting saw us hearing presentations via Zoom once again.  We are hoping that by the time of our next meeting, we will be able to have a combined Zoom and in-person meeting.  Feedback from our members is that they would like to have the zoom component of the meetings continue.  Yay for technology!

We heard from three fantastic charities, most of which were new charities for our members to learn from.  This month's recipient is the ASK Wellness Society to help with their mattress recycling program.​​​

Ask Wellness - Shop Program was the recipient of the February donation and took home $6,800. Congratulations to the Ask Wellness team! The mission of SHOP program is to provide support services to people in the sex work industry.

We also heard from the following wonderful organizations, and we hope that they will be the successful recipient of a donation from 100 Women Who Care Kamloops at a future meeting.

This month, we had the pleasure of presenting our donation to TWO wonderful organizations.  The Habitat for Humanity and Special Olympics Kamloops.  Both of these organizations work so hard for the betterment of the citizens who live, work, and play in our beautiful city and we were so pleased to be able to provide them with our February, 2020 donation.

The Family Tree Family Resource Centre was the recipient of the October donation.  This is the second time that this organization has received funding from 100 Women Who Care -- the first was at our inaugural meeting in November 2014!  The Family Tree Centre provides support programs for parents and children that are designed to strengthen families and empower them to overcome challenges.